Magi Calendar Astrology Consultations

The Magi Calendar was created thousands of years ago and hidden in plain sight. Within the symbols of our common deck of 52 playing cards, this little book of 52 pages is a calendar and lifetime guide for the earth and all of her children. The 52 cards represent the 52 weeks of the year. The 13 cards in each suit represent the 13 annual cycles of the moon, and the 12 face cards represent the 12 signs of the zodiac. The four suits represent the four seasons of the year, and the seasons of our lives.
When you add all of the numbers from each of the four suits, the total is 364 – all of the days of the year less one. The joker is the 365th day of the year, and the 2nd joker represents the extra day in leap year.
The Magi Calendar is a perfect system for telling time, and the methodology to understand this calendar is contained within the numbers and symbols of its pages, where intricate calculations and algorithms accurately measure the orbits of the celestial bodies in our solar system.
The science of the cards is a different kind of numerology. It holds a lifetime calendar for every human born on earth. It maps our evolving potential and opportunities, and we can gain a new depth of self understanding of our life’s purpose and insight about our energetic connections with important people in our lives.
Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur, PhD
The King of Clubs
Bibiji was born as a King of Clubs, ruler of the domain of knowledge and wisdom and a Five of Diamonds, responsible for uplifting values and helping humanity navigate the rampant deception in this Kali Yug (where truth is only 1/4 full). She is here as a spiritual guide for humanity during this period of changing frequencies on our planet as we fully emerge in the Age of Aquarius.
Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card

Our Birth Card is the most important symbol of our essential projection and represents our individualism and significance. Through our Birth Card we can discover many aspects of our personality, including our gifts and opportunities, as well as challenges and limitations, professional tendencies, hidden strengths, and much more.
Our birth card is sometimes considered to be similar to our sun sign in the zodiac of astrology, but provides much more specific information. All cards have both blessings and challenges in any given lifetime, and no card is superior to any other.
Our Planetary Ruling Card contains information about our personality and characteristics that support our lifetime gifts, opportunities and potential. It is sometimes compared to our rising sign in the zodiac, but again, provides more details and specifics.
Understanding our relationships, whether romantic, friends and family, or business and professional, is greatly enhanced using the knowledge contained within the cards. We can see what triggers our attraction or repulsion to different people and better understand how we can serve and elevate our circumstances and situations in every relationship.
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Hearts are concerned with understanding life through relationships. People are most important in their lives. Love, family, creativity, emotions and youth are key heart words.
Clubs are concerned with understanding life through knowledge, wisdom, and teaching. Knowledge, logic, mental intuition, and education are key club words.
Diamonds are concerned with understanding life through values. Acquiring worth, both material and spiritual are essential. Systems, evaluation, financial matters and business are key diamond words.
Spades are concerned with understanding life through work–spiritual and in the world. Transformation occurs when there is a balance with career and spirituality. Labor, health, wisdom and intuition are key spade words.
You are a leader, an initiator and a person with strong passions for those things represented by your suit. You can be a loner and are often impatient.
Relationships, communication and cooperation are essential in your soul pattern. You develop partnerships to achieve goals. You understand duality and are keen-minded.
You are extremely creative and love self-expression. You dislike routine and need a certain amount of variety. You like short trips. You express yourself best through the suit of your card. You can be indecisive and change your mind frequently.
You are solid and grounded. You seek mental balance and satisfaction through teaching, especially related to your suit. You are strong minded and sometimes fixed and stubborn.
You are a restless person and like changes, especially changes in whatever is represented by your suit. You enjoy travel and prefer new adventures over sinking roots or making commitments.
You are a peacemaker and seek stability and solidarity. You know the laws of karma and strive for justice in all situations. You are either very responsible or are learning about responsibility related to your suit.
You are a spiritual person, or will be a spiritual person. You have spiritual power within you. You get more from giving to others than receiving and could do great things in that regard. You can be very lucky, though attachments to the things represented by your suit may prove challenging.
You are a person of power, especially in your suit. You know you have this power and have a great responsibility to use it wisely. Be careful not to bully others around with it. You know how to get your way.
You are a universal person, one who can do lots of good for humanity, or at least large groups of people. You are a giver and your life is a sacrifice. You are in this life to complete many things, and some of these completions seem like losses, but they are freeing you to continue your journey forward.
You are a person of personal accomplishment and will be applauded by many for your work, achieving fame in some degree. Your work appeals to many and is or will be quite successful. You can be like the Ace, but you have more experience to turn your impatience into success.
You are youthful and creative and a member of the royal family. You are very smart and powerful and you love to play. Sometimes you can be immature and tricky. You are forever youthful.
You are a master of yourself over the things represented by your suit and you use them in service to others. You are a teacher and are here to nurture and help your children (in many forms.)
You are the master of your domain over your suit and demand recognition from others. You live by your own rules. You combine power with wisdom and experience for success.
If you were born on December 31, your birth card is the Joker–you are like the jester in the king’s court — and you have the power to play the role of any of the other cards in the deck. No one can read your calendar, it is solely your creation.