Request a Magi Calendar Astrology Consultation

A great time to request a consultation in your personal Magi Calendar Astrology  is just before or around the time of your birthday. You may also choose to read your personal calendar when your life situation is about to undergo a major change or you are experiencing uncertainty about the future or simply have questions that need answers. A Magi Calendar Astrology personal consultation illuminates your own mind and your life’s path. You can clear the way for your path onward, as you access all the planetary energies in their highest dimension.

Consultations and Coaching

Deep Dive or Laser Focus Consultations provide powerful insights into your life.  You gain an in-depth understanding of forces that have shaped your life and how you can achieve your highest potential. As human beings, we always have the ability to choose. We hold free will as our birthright. Yet, our choices are often made by unconscious forces that exist within us. A consultation to understand our Magi Calendar is actually seeing the vastness of our own mind, and we can make the unconscious, conscious. This ancient mystic science gives us the awareness to break free of destructive life patterns and achieve our highest destiny. All of our hopes and dreams can be fulfilled.

Soul Cycles Coaching illuminates each new realm of opportunity, allowing you to consciously navigate new cycles into which you travel. Every 52 days of your life, you move into a new dimension, a new cycle of energy that is filled with momentous opportunities and challenges to propel you forward, as your soul journeys through time and space. When you become consciously aware of the energies available to you in  these cycles, you are empowered on many levels and can make choices that bring about your highest success. You will learn to Illuminate and consciously navigate each new realm and dimension of opportunity in your life with Soul-Cycles Coaching.

Every 52 days of our life, we move into a new cycle of energy, a new dimension that is filled with opportunities and challenges to propel us forward as our soul journeys through time and space. When we become consciously aware of  these cycles, we are empowered on many levels and can make choices that bring about our highest success. It is amazing how reading your Magi Calendar provides a deep and authentic sense of self-understanding that greatly empowers you, so you can make the most enlightened choices for your future.

Deep Dive Consultation

$185 (Add to Cart)

$165 (Add to Cart) DISCOUNT price for First Responders, Students, Teachers, Seniors, Military or as a gift to another person.

An Deep Dive Consultation in Magi Calendar Astrology will take an hour and a half as we explore your destiny and potential so you can break free of destructive patterns and achieve our highest purpose.. After placing your order, I will contact you to go over information needed for your appointment, and we will set up a time to meet.

We will mee using phone, Zoom, Skype or other online platform to record your session. I  can also call your cell phone or landline.

Following your appointment, you will receive an email with a link to your recording and written files from your session, which you can download and save to your computer.

Laser Focus Consultation 30-40 Minutes

$108 (Add to Cart)

$85 (Add to Cart) DISCOUNT price for First Responders, Students, Teachers, Seniors, Military or as a gift to another person.

A Laser Focus Consultation will take 30 to 40 minutes as we will look at a current, pressing matter or concern in your life. After placing your order, I will contact you to go over information needed for your appointment, and we will set up a time to meet.

We will meet using phone, Zoom, Skype or other online platform to record your session. I  can also call your cell phone or landline.

Following your appointment, you will receive an email with a link to your recording and written files from your session, which you can download and save to your computer.

Follow-up Consultation 60-90 Minutes

$165 (Add to Cart)

$154 (Add to Cart) DISCOUNT price for First Responders, Students, Teachers, Seniors, Military or as a gift to another person.

You can receive a 60-90 Minutes Follow-up Consultation  or update at anytime to consciously navigate the new realms of opportunity in your personal calendar. Each year on your birthday—and every 52 days of our life—we move into a new dimensions, new cycles of energy that are filled with opportunities and challenges to propel us forward as our soul journeys through time and space.

Follow Up Consultation 30-40 Minutes

$108 (Add to Cart)

$85 (Add to Cart) DISCOUNT price for First Responders, Students, Teachers, Seniors, Military or as a gift to another person.

You can receive a 30-40 Minutes Follow-up Consultation  or update at anytime to consciously navigate a pressing concern or issue in your life and understand how the opportunities and challenges in your calendar are propelling you forward on your soul journeys through time and space.

Soul-Cycles Coaching

$756 (Add to Cart)

With Soul-Cycles Coaching, your first session is a 90 min Deep Dive, followed by six 1-hour sessions throughout the year. We schedule each of your 7 coaching sessions at or near the beginning of your next 52-day cycle. Purchasing your sessions as this annual package gives you over a 30%discount  off of regular pricing.

Every 52 days of your life, you move into a new cycle of energy, a new dimension that is filled with momentous opportunities and challenges to propel you forward as your soul journeys through time and space. When you become consciously aware of the energies available to you in  these cycles, you are empowered on many levels and can make choices that bring about your highest success. Learn to Illuminate and consciously navigate each new realm and dimension of opportunity in your life with Soul-Cycles Coaching.

Send a Question

Have a question? Let’s talk. Send a message below and we’ll set up a time to talk.