Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD
Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur, PhD, known simply as “Bibiji” to millions of Sikhs and yoga students around the globe, is the Founder of Create Inner Peace. Create Inner Peace was conceived as way to give back to the First Responders who put themselves in harm’s way daily to protect and save us. She felt a deep and abiding gratitude to the First Responders who came to take care of her husband when she knew it was not yet his time to go. She said that when they came, within her heart she knew God had come to save him. She created this program so that first Responders would have access to simple technology they could use to relieve and recover from the often critical incident stress they experience in their work. Bibiji is the Chief Minister of Sikh Dharma International . She is known as a revered “mother,” an ambassador good will, and a harbinger of interfaith dialogue among religious and political leaders around the world. She is the only woman ever conferred with the title of Bhai Sahiba India and the title of Panth Rattan or Jewel of the Nation, a meritorious title seldom granted and given for the first time in history to a woman and to both husband and wife. She has authored numerous of books on Sikh education, including Mantra, Personal Guidance Through the Power of the Word. a new edition of A Taste of India, delicious recipes from the international vegetarian cuisine, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Darshan, an intricate and esoteric description of the rags, poetry, and architectural design of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib; Psyche of the Soul, a translation of Jaapji Sahib; Psyche of the Golden Shield Volumes 1 and 2, translations of the Guru’s Shabads; Create Inner Peace, Stress Management Technology; Stories to Win the World from the lives of the Gurus, saints, heros and givers; and Living Reality, a question and answer book for Sikh youth; Bibiji has traveled throughout the world as a Sikh missionary, sharing the teachings of the Gurus and counseling students. She resides in New Mexico and Los Angeles and has three children and five grandchildren. Bibiji gratefully acknowledges her beloved husband, for his vast wisdom and teachings in Kundalini Yoga, without whom this program would not have been possible.

Gurumeet Kaur Khalsa, ERYT 500, is the Director of Create Inner Peace. She is a Minister of Divinity of Sikh Dharma, Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Professional Teacher Trainer through the Aquarian Trainer Academy and Associate Trainer of SuperHealth®. Gurumeet has worked closely with Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD. She has been teaching Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for more than 30 years, specializing in yogic technology to manage stress, heal addictions, recover from post-traumatic stress, and take control of our health and well being. Gurumeet offers Aquarian Teacher Training with a team of teachers through High Desert Yoga in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is a Certified Magi Counselor of Numerology through Robert Camp, offering readings to illuminate our lift’s path and energy dynamics with others. Gurumeet is the producer and script writer of the Create Inner Peace video and co-developer of the Create Inner Peace manuals. Gurumeet has worked in the security industry for more than 25 years, serving as a body guard, and is a member of the business development team that helped grow Akal Security to become one of the largest, American-owned security contractors to the U.S. Government, protecting critical facilities worldwide that are vital to our national security.
Kamaljit Kaur serves as Ayurvedic Consultant in diet and nutrition for stress recovery and stress management. She is the founder and CEO of Vinies Ayruveda and Yogi Bath and Body. She was born into a family tradition steeped in ancient wisdom and healing technology. Her mother and father brought Kundalini Yoga to the West in 1969 and introduced the first Ayurvedic-based businesses in the United States—Yogi Tea, Golden Temple and Peace Cereal—products that are now sold throughout the U.S., Europe and other countries.Special thanks is also extended to Kanchan Kohli, MD, daughter of Kamaljit Kaur, who provided research support for sound health principals and daily health tips for stress management. For generations, Kamaljit Kaur’s family households have utilized plants and herbs from the garden in their kitchen for many aspects of their lives. From their daily traditions, Kamaljit Kaur learned as a child that herbs and oils possess inherent healing and therapeutic benefits. It is this very lesson she applied to her life when she began to experience the pains of Fibromyalgia. She applied Ayurvedic remedies and placing healing wraps with oils to her head and body to alleviate the severe body aches associated with Fibromyalgia. What she noticed was that not only did the Ayurvedic medicines and oil applications take away the throbbing pains throughout her body, but her hair and skin also regained the healthy vibrancy, moisture and luster that were lost to Fibromyalgia. As she discovered these wonderful, unexpected benefits that Ayurveda brought about in the vitality of her hair and skin, she began exploring and continued reseaching the vast fountain of health and beauty secrets contained within the ancient, potent compounds of Ayurveda. Kamaljit Kaur has worked closely with Masters of Ayurveda, including Dr. Vasant Lad, founder of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and many knowledgeable Ayurvedic physicians in India.

Darla Hueske is the Director of Media Arts for the Create Inner Peace project. She travels and teaches around the world and maintains continual studies and practices with spiritual masters from Eastern and Native American traditions. Darla splits her time between the USA, Egypt and Europe. She received her Masters in Media Arts from New Mexico Highlands University and is an award-winning artist, with productions airing on New Mexico Public Television and Santa Fe Film Festival. Her film and photography projects place focus on spiritual themes. Darla is a producer and editor for the Create Inner Peace video production. She is a certified international instructor and Associate Trainer in KRI Training Academy, Yoga Alliance, and International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYA). She has been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 1995 and teaching KY around the world since 2000. Visit Darla at: Morning Viewe Studios